Connect Cobb
Northwest Corridor Transit Alternatives Analysis
Cobb County, GA
The "Northwest Corridor" is one of the most congested areas in the metropolitan region, connecting the far reaches of the suburbs to Atlanta's urban core.
Comprising the parallel U.S. 41 and Interstate 75 Corridors, the undertaking is enormous – measuring over 30 miles from end to end and covering a geographic area of almost 130 square miles. As an outgrowth of many transportation studies conducted over the last decade, the so-called “Connect Cobb” focused at identifying the most appropriate mode and alignment for a high capacity transit system along this corridor. The process resulted in the selection of a "locally preferred alternative" (LPA) and included the analysis of several types of fixed guideway transit including light rail, bus rapid transit (BRT) and dedicated busway.
Working closely with both transit engineers and market analysts, Urban Collage and Lord Aeck Sargent helped define station area locations and envision transit-oriented development along several potential transit alignments and mode options. The analysis projected economic growth at each Light Rail and Bus Rapid Transit station in great detail, including potential future square footages of retail, office, commercial uses as well as the amount of residential units, population increase and amount of jobs that might by such a major transportation investment